Sunday, April 18, 2010

Our Baby Boy! ♥

baby footprints Pictures, Images and Photos

I am already so in love with this baby in my belly...even if he does make me fatter everyday, especially lately:) look at my ultrasound pictures and can't help but imagine how cute he is gonna be! I guess pregnancy just leaves you full of wonder...I have no idea what to expect with anything so it's like having nine full months of surprises!

We are naming him after his uncle of course..and even though we'll call him Tate I have a feeling he'll look a lot like uncle's only fitting, which also means he'll most likely look like Brandon rather than me! I wouldn't be too disappointed if he got something from me though! I think that's be able to see yourself in your little kids, I guess we'll see in a few months. The excitement is growing. I know Tate is just up there enjoying every last second he has with Lo, and I hope he learns well from him! Photobucket

We say he is spoiled already! Because I feel as if anytime I see anyone, they are talking about what they'll be making baby Tate or handing us more things to fill his closet! I just can't wait to dress him in all the cute little outfits from everybody!

Other than that, we are starting to get excited about putting together his room, my dad is even making him a crib which will be very special to us! I am looking forward to seeing the finished result and watching his room come together it will make me want him here even more.. but I just keep telling myself patience, patience! I guess we should take advantage of the sleep time too! But the idea of waking up to my baby every few hours doesn't bother me yet.! I am looking forward to pretty much everything and I can't believe we will be parents before we know it! It will be, and is such a blessing and makes us so happy already.
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

We love our Baby Tate! XOXO

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