I have officially had my best year yet, complete with a baby boy who I adore and who teaches me and makes me laugh {A LOT} everyday. Here's a few recent pictures:)
He got his haircut on his bday, before that it was a little out of control!
I watched you grab my finger the minute you were born as if you already trusted me, only something a newborn would do..
I watched you smile your first little smile and hold your head up like such a big boy!
I watched you get multiple heel pricks for jaundice, broke my heart everytime..and then you had to be put in a Bili Blanket! {I hated that thing} But it helped your levels improve.
I watched you go from being a pretty big baby to being a tiny lil guy who wore newborn clothes till you were 3 months old.
I watched you learn to sit up, and lovee anything elmo.
I watched you fall asleep in my arms almost every single night, you NEVER wanted to be put down..I miss that so much now.
I watched you learn to say mommy, daddy, hello, nana, bobba, bompa...etc. & pretend to talk on the phone
I watched you learn to crawl, and crawl up the stairs at just over 5 months.
I watched you learn to pull yourself up to the side of your pack n play at 6 months and 3 days.
I watched you take your first vacation to California, and go to Sea World, Disneyland and the Beach. You loved playing in the sand!
I watched you take your first steps at 9 months, but not learn to walk until a little after 10 months.
I watched you grow out of your first car seat and your size 5 shoes :(
I watched you be such a perfect and happy baby, everyone absolutely adores you but no one loves and adores you more than I do. I have just had the most amazing time watching you grow and watching you learn and become so smart already. You could not be more perfect. I remember finding out that I was having a boy, I was surprised by how excited I was..I really couldn't imagine being more excited for anything in my life. From the moment that I heard your heartbeat and saw you on the monitor..and the moment I felt you kick I just knew that I would love you more than anything, but never knew it would be this much. You are my Favorite lil boy ever and now you are going to be a big brother and I will have two favorite boys :) I can't wait to see you as a big brother, I know you will be the best big brother that there ever was or is. Thank you for the best year of my life and for letting me watch you grow and learn along with you. <3
We are so excited that there will be another lil boy bringing fun into our house in no time..I know Him and Tate will be Best Friends. January 22, 2012 <3